Tafalla South beltway, Navarre

“This junction is an example of functionality, design and integration in the urban environment”

The beltway starts at the “Tafalla Sur” junction, where there is an intersection between two branches of the current highway and the new one. Azierta designed this beltway to remove traffic from the NA-132 that crosses Tafalla’s urban center.

The alternatives of Tafalla’s south beltway will start on the west of the town heading down where it connects with other highways and improves the connections with the industrial parks. Subsequently, it continues to the east of the town where it joins the current N-132.

Technical characteristics

The highway under project has a 3.50 m lane on each direction and 1.50 m verges.

  • Two-lane highway with 7/10 standard, cross-section.
  • Average traffic flow: 3,000 vehicles per day.
  • Project speed: 50 MPH.
  • Number of junctions: 2.

News, Links:

Article of interest (Spanish)

Article of interest (Spanish)

Article of interest (Spanish)