M-410 Highway, Madrid

“Ambitious highway project that will connect 16 great municipalities in the south with the capital” “A turning point in the territorial structuring and a revolution in road communications”

The new M-410 highway is part of the REDSUR project initiated by the Department of Infrastructures and Transportation of the Autonomous Community of Madrid seeking to bring dynamism to the southern area of Madrid and thus achieve a territorial rebalancing through the construction of 81 new km of highways connecting 16 towns in the south of the region.

The contract awarded to Azierta will help structure the so-called “South City”. It will consist of 25 km, which will become a great, four-lane freeway.

REDSUR will improve the communications of 1.3 million Madrid residents living in the south east area with a very heavy volume of traffic: between 20,000 and 60,000 per day, which means that current roads are now congested.

The purpose is also to provide structure to an area where there are numerous industrial parks which generate very heavy traffic.

Technical characteristics

The new network will consist of nine roads and 15 junctions, which will add a total of 81 new km to the road network of the Autonomous Community of Madrid, 39 of which will be freeways and toll freeways. This project has a budget of € 272 million and will benefit 16 municipalities of Madrid.

News, links:

Article from “ABC” (Spanish)

Article of interest (Spanish)