Health and Safety in the Province of A Coruña

“Priority objective: combating accidents at work”

Azierta has set as a priority objective combating occupational accidents as we are only too aware of the importance of working under proper conditions, taking preventive measures without taking unnecessary risks.

The scope of the contract consists in providing technical consultancy services in the area of Health and Safety for all maintenance works of the Ministry of Public Works in the autonomous community of Galicia. The works performed by Azierta consist in the coordination of all site activities to ensure that contractors, subcontractors and self-employed workers apply the preventive measures in a responsible manner pursuant to the Occupational Hazards Standards.

To this end, throughout the execution of the works identification and follow-up of potential breaches of the Health & Safety Scheme will be done, so that, should there be an anomaly, measures are taken for its correction.

Technical characteristics

– Number of provinces in the contract: 4

  • Average number of works in progress per province: 6
  • Total number of works: 36
  • Average budget per work: €1.5 million
  • Number of coordinators per province: 2

Tasks accomplished:

  • Providing consultancy and technical services to the developer of the works contracting with third parties under Act 31/1995 on the Prevention of Occupational Risks and Royal Decree 1627/1997 of October 24th.
  • Report on the Health & Safety Scheme of the Works to be approved by the developer.
  • Occupational Health & Safety Coordination.
  • Consultancy regarding the required measures to comply with the current legislation on the Prevention of Occupational Hazards and all the remaining requirements that are mandatory on health and safety as regards the roles and functions defined for the developer and the health and safety coordinator.
  • Control of the documentation generated regarding the prevention of occupational hazards at sites.