General Planning – New Headquarters Scheme Boadilla del Monte

“We measure the safety values in Building Construction”

Azierta conducted the geotechnical survey of the land corresponding to the so-called General Planning – New Headquarters Scheme, at Boadilla del Monte in order to assess the geotechnical issues and conditions of the subsoil and remaining aspects of the same.

As far as the geotechnical surveying of the soil is concerned, field work consisted in mechanical probing, continuous dynamic penetration tests, digging and assessment of soil pits, as well as sample taking and the performance of in-situ geotechnical tests that are closely linked to the execution of the mechanical probing.

Technical characteristics

Mechanical probing is one the most frequent, more widely accepted and suitable techniques for subsoil probing.

A total of 3 mechanical probes were conducted in-situ to cover the area under study. Mechanical probing consisted in rotary drilling with continuous recovery of the core. Drilling was dry and limited to the necessary number of maneuvers so as not to alter the bored terrain.